Personalized Nutrition
& Energy Healing

About Simplifying Nutrition

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My Story
My name is Ana and I am originally from Mozambique but have been in Australia for quite some time now and call Australia home. I lived in Mozambique during the late 80s-90's. There were no fast-food shops and limited food availability. When I moved to Australia, I found myself in a new country with an abundance of food. As a teenager I had no knowledge of nutrition and began to overeat and make poor food choices. My overeating then led to poor self-esteem and bullying at school. It was only when I went to a 4-week school camp, away from the fast food, that I rediscovered healthy eating and living. I obtained a better understanding of food basics, cooking, the importance of moving my body and self-awareness. It was then that I shifted my mindset about food and the importance of good food habits. I went on to complete my education in nutritional science and obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree.
Over time through personal growth and life lessons I was drawn to energy healing and saw the potential it had on wellbeing, not only as a stand-alone modality, but also in combination with nutrition education. I decided to work with this modality and in doing so, I had to embrace all aspects of myself that came with it. I completed my Reiki healing (energy healing) training at master level. The knowledge I acquired allowed me to better understand overall health from a holistic point of view. We are more than our physical bodies and to achieve optimal health we have look at all of ourselves, including our state of mind, emotions, physical body and spirit. Energy healing can help heal these aspects to bring balance and alignment back so that we live our best life.
What I Offer and Provide
I am a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, empath, spirit channel, medium, listener, healer, and a guide. At my core, I am a seer. I can see beneath the surface into the heart of matters. See the unseen, the subtleties, and hidden aspects of life.
I aim to provide grounding and stable energy to my clients, either with energy shifts, crystal energy, and/or by providing practical and useful guidance. I focus on bringing hope, clarity and inner peace by facilitating personal growth and empowerment through self- love and self-confidence.
We are always safe and never alone, always being guided and always with hope, never stuck or without choices. It is by embracing our true nature and living with authenticity as our true selves that we can live with truth, integrity, and personal freedom. We can do this by listening to our inner guidance to bring healing and personal power to ourselves and others.
Weight Loss Using a Holistic Approach (Encompassing Mind, Body and Soul)
Emotional and Spiritual Healing
Energy Clearings- Including Homes
Bachelor of Applied Science: Majoring in Food Science and Nutrition University of Queensland, QLD AUS.
Master of Science: Majoring in Nutrition Science, University of Minnesota, USA.
Reiki Master Level (Member of Reiki Australia)
Shamanic Energy Healing